Walworth Primary School

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Bluebell Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7LP


01325 300 194

Walworth Primary School

'Listen, Learn and be Happy Together'

Welcome to Class 3

All About Us

General Information


 In Class 3, we follow a broad and balanced curriculum to allow our children to be successful learners, develop independence and be responsible citizens. We are ambitious and want our children to develop positive relationships with adults as well as their peers, this will then allow them to be confident individuals ready to be successful in the next stages of their lives. Children will be challenged with their work, in order to help them fulfil their learning potential.

Class 3 have PE on a Thursday and go for swimming lessons on a Friday morning during the Spring Term. We have a music specialist on a Monday morning in the Autumn and Summer Term who supports the delivery of our music curriculum. Our kitchen time is a Thursday Morning, during the year we will cook sweet and savoury items, looking at food preparation skills and considering the healthy swaps we could make.

As a school we also have 2 mini buses, which we try to use as much as possible during the school year to enhance our learning and experience capital culture.



In Class 3 we aim to teach our English Curriculum using a class book. This term we are using Meerkat Mail as our key text. Through the book we will look at comprehension skills such as inference and deduction. We will also use the text to support the teaching of grammar. Alongside this, we will be reading a class story at the end of each day, to instil a love for reading in the pupils.


As a school we follow the White Rose long term plan, encouraging children to develop their learning using the concrete – pictoral – abstract approach (CPA). On a morning, children complete ‘Morning Maths’ work, normally focussing on the four main operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This term we are looking at money, children will have the opportunity to practice using money and to spend money in a real-world situation. Children also practice their times tables in numerous ways such as Times Table Rock Stars and a weekly times table assessment.


Class Overviews

The documents below are an overview of what will be covered in each term in Class 3.

Class 3 Spring Overview 23_24

Class 3 Summer Overview 23_24



Class 3 Photo Gallery

For further information about our curriculum or long term plans please visit the curriculum section of our website.