Walworth Primary School

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Walworth Primary School

'Listen, Learn and be Happy Together'

Our Governing Body

Walworth Primary School’s Governing Body has an important role to play in ensuring that our school provides the best possible teaching and learning for pupils.  School Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds; parents, teachers, staff and community.


Governor Structure

Name Representing Term
Committee Responsibilities Register
Position and appointed by
Mr Ken Flynn Co-opted 11.02.23 -
Head Teachers Performance (Chair)
Pay Review First & Staffing
Safeguarding None None Chair of Governors
Dr Nikki Rutter Co-opted 01.02.24 -
Finance & Premises, Appeals (Chair), Staffing Emotional Wellbeing, PSHE & Nurture Lead None None


Vice Chair of Governors

Mr Philip Chater Co-opted 05.05.20-
Head Teachers Performance , Finance & Premises (Chair), Curriculum, Standards and Attendance &
Pay Review First
Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, Maths & Science None None Co-opted
Mr Ryan Todd Co-opted 08.06.22 -
Pay Review First, Curriculum & Standards Computing, Remote Learning, SEND, EYFS, English & MFL None Mother works in school - PSA Co-opted Link Governor
Mr Roland Cooke Staff Ongoing Appeals, Finance & Premises, Staffing, Curriculum, Standards & Attendance & Pay Review (First) Head Teacher
Reporting to Full Governor Body and Sub Committees
None None Head Teacher
Miss Vicky Bourne Staff 07.02.23 -
Staffing. Finance & Premises
Curriculum, Standards & Attendance
Training & Development
Induction for New Governors
None None Teaching Staff
Mrs Michelle Smith Co-opted Staff 25.03.23 -
Staffing, Curriculum, Standards & Attendance Music, History & Geography None Relative works with the domestic staff Co-opted (Staff)
Mrs Gail Weetman Parent 20.10.21 -
Curriculum, Standards & Attendance, Staffing CLA DT Art None None Parent Appointed
Mrs Val Hindmarch Co-opted 27.02.23 -
Curriculum , Standards & Attendance (Chair), Staffing (Chair) R.E. Attendance and Behaviour None None Co-opted
Mrs Kelly Hetherington Parent

27.02.23 -


Curriculum, Standards, Pay Review, Finance Premises and Staffing Residential






Parent Appointed


Governor Meetings 2023-24

FGB - Full Governing Body

F&P - Finance & Premises Committee

PR (F) - Pay Review (First)

PR - Pay Review

C&S - Curriculum & Standards Committee

S - Staffing Committee

Governor Attendance 2023-24

/   – Attended meeting
A/A   – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N   – Did not attend
X  – Not a member of the committee


As Governors, we all have an interest in education and a passion for securing the best for Walworth School, working closely with the Headteacher to ensure we deliver our mission of 'Improving the quality of children's lives'.

We conduct most of our business through meetings; we meet as a full Governong Body once a term.  We also go into school to meet with the Headteacher, other members of staff and pupils to help us find out how the school is progressing towards its targets.  We attend training sessions and seminars to help us keep up to date with changes in school and education, and to help us do our job effectively.

Governors are responsible for the strategic vision of the school and for supporting the Headteacher and staff in achieving that vision.  Governors have responsibility for appointing the Headteacher, managing the school's budget, setting annual targets and monitoring performance against those targets, all in the interest of raising standards of achievement. In addition to these statutory responsibilities, Governors do a wide variety of other things, either through formal committee activity or through personal involvement with the day-to-day life of the school

Sub-committees meet as and when required. Members of the Governing Body serve for a four year period. At the Autumn Term full Governing Body meeting, the Chair and Vice-Chair are elected and the composition of sub-committees is determined. All Governors may be contacted via school - home addresses are not published for reasons of security. Please click on the link below to read the written statements of behaviour principles.

Written Statement of Behaviour Principles GOV B

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

Walworth Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.

The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)

Full Governing Body

Chair:  Mr Ken Flynn
Vice Chair: Dr Nikki Rutter

Strategic Leadership and Accountability:

  • Work with school leaders to set a clear vision with a focus on pupil progress, achievement and wellbeing. Ensure this is communicated to the whole organisation and reviewed regularly.

  • Set the values for the organisation and ensure these are embedded throughout the organisation and adhered to.

  • Determine the strategic direction for the school

  • Monitor that school leaders are keeping up with their statutory duties in relation to the maintenance of the Single Central Record.

  • Monitor and evaluate pupil progress and attainment by receiving reports and information from the Headteacher and other school leaders; compare against national and local benchmarks over time.

  • Receive reports from committees, working parties or individuals and agree action

  • Approve the School Evaluation Form and monitor throughout the year.

  • Approve the School Improvement Plan priorities and monitor throughout the year progress towards agreed action

  • Review and agree the school’s Business Continuity Plan annually.

  • Ensure the wellbeing of staff and that staff workload is managed.

  • Ensure there is a transparent system for performance management of all staff which is clearly linked to the school’s priorities. Have oversight of staff performance throughout the year.

  • Ensure there are mechanisms in place to listen to and respond to the views of parents/carers, pupils, staff, local communities and employer

  • Agree recruitment process to be followed in relation to Senior Leader posts; where delegated ratify appointments.

  • Final approval of the annual budget plan.

  • Monitor the school’s budget throughout the year.

  • Agree expenditure limits for the Headteacher.

  • Hold at least 3 meetings each academic year. Ensure that committee meetings are held in accordance with the agreed terms of reference.

 People and Governance Structures: 

  • Elect and/or remove Chair of Governors and Vice Chair of Governor

  • Appoint Committee Chairs or delegate to each committee.

  • Consider and agree delegation of functions to individuals or committees.

  • Agree committee terms of reference and membership.

  • Establish a register of Governors business interests

  • Ensure Governors information on the Get Information About Schools register and the school website is up to date and compliant with current requirements.

  • Confirm the Instrument of Government and subsequent amendments.

  • Appoint Co-opted, Local Authority and where necessary Parent Governors to the Board.

  • Review and monitor the Governor Induction Procedure.

  • Have regard for Governors professional development.

  • Where necessary, suspend or remove Governors from the Board.

  • Appoint/dismiss the Clerk to the Governing Board. 

Compliance and Evaluation:

  • Annually agree the School Financial Value Standard Self-Assessment Checklist prior to the 31 March deadline and monitor the implementation of any identified actions.

  • Consider business provided by Local Authority and other sources

  • Suspend or end suspension of staff members.

  • Ensure all statutory policies are in place and there is an effective policy review cycle.

  • Review and agree the Governor Code of Conduct.

  • Confirm arrangements for completion of a Governor Skills Audit.

  • Ensure there is regular self-evaluation and review of individual’s contribution to the Board as well as the Board’s overall operation and effectiveness.

  • As necessary, consider an external review of the Board’s effectiveness

  • Ensure school website is up to date and compliant with current Department for Education requirements.

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Chair: Mrs Val Hindmarch
Terms of Reference

  • Review, monitor and evaluate the curriculum offer:

  • Contribute to the development and monitoring of the:

           -  School Evaluation Form

             -  School Improvement Plan

             -  Targets for school improvement

  • Develop and review policies identified within the school’s policy review programme and in accordance with its delegated powers (e.g. Relationship, Health and Sex Education and pupil discipline/behaviour).

  • Ensure that the school’s policy on Special Educational Needs Development is consistent with the Code of Practice and Equalities Act, most recent Keeping Children Safe in Education updates and receive termly reports from the Headteacher/SENDCo and an annual report from the Special Educational Needs Development Governor.

  • Ensure the Special Educational Needs Development Policy is monitored and reviewed regularly and that the policy is known to parents/carer

  • Ensure the school complies with the provisions of the Equalities Act 2010.

  • Where necessary ensure that all pupils have access to independent careers advice.

 Curriculum and Improvement

  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of leadership and management in relation to curriculum design, implementation and impact.

  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of curriculum design

  • Monitor and evaluate the school’s own assessment of the impact of the curriculum for all groups of pupils to include Reading in all key stages.

  • Monitor and evaluate the quality of education and the impact of the curriculum including Relationship Health and Sex Education.

  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of continuing professional development on improving staff performance.

  • Monitor and evaluate provision for all groups of vulnerable children e.g. children looked after and children in need and ensure all their needs have been identified and addressed.

  • Monitor and review impact of additional grant funding e.g. Pupil Premium.

  • Set priorities for improvement and monitor and evaluate the impact of improvement plans which relate to the committee’s area of operation.

  • Receive reports from external sources and agree actions to address recommendations; monitor and evaluate progress made.

  • Ensure all children have equality of opportunity

  • Monitor pupils’ attitudes, values and development of other personal qualities within the school through the provision of Relationship, Health and Sex Education.

 Behaviour, Personal Development and Well-Being: 

  • Ensure the school is fulfilling its responsibilities regarding safeguarding and child protection and the requirements of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’

  • Ensure Safeguarding policies are adhered to; monitor and review all safeguarding policies/procedures within school

  • Monitor and review data on behaviour, bullying, child on child abuse, attendance and exclusion

  • Ensure school is fulfilling its responsibilities with regards to pupils accessing alternative provision.

  • Ensure that adequate provision is made for pupil transition


  • Monitor the school’s publicity, public presentation and relationships with parents/carers and the wider community.

  • Identify and celebrate pupil achievement.

  • Oversee and monitor arrangements for out of hours provision, extra-curricular activities and educational visits including overnight stay.

  • Ensure all statutory requirements for reporting and publishing information are met.

  • Review and monitor the school’s website to ensure that it is accessible and fully compliant with current Department for Education requirement

  • Ensure the school works well with its community, parents and other school

Meetings: at least termly
Quorum: 3
Disqualifications: None

Finance & Premises Committee

Chair: Mr Phillip Chater
Terms of Reference


  • Review and agree the first formal budget plan of the financial year for approval by the full Governing Board.

  • Establish and maintain an up-to-date three year budget plan, taking into account priorities in the School Improvement Plan, roll projection and signals from central Government and the Local Authority regarding future years’ budget.

  • Ensure that priorities detailed within the School Improvement Plan are appropriately costed and are reflected in the annual budget.

  • Monitor the capital and revenue budget position statements to identify and address any anomalies from the anticipated position and report termly to the full Governing Board.

  • Review and monitor outstanding debts and action taken.

  • Review the Quarterly Written Report and Financial Report.

  • Monitor and authorise expenditure including those over the Headteacher’s delegated limit.

  • Consider and approve spending decisions where competitive quotations or tenders are required in accordance with the current Contract Procedure Rules.

  • Ensure the school operates within the financial regulations of the Local Authority and the requirements of the Department for Education Schools Financial Value Standard

  • Monitor the implementation of any actions identified in the Schools Financial Value Standard

  • Review Related Party Transaction Register.

  • Monitor the implementation of any identified actions in the SFVS submission.

  • Monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds held on behalf of the Governing Board and receive an audited annual statement of income and expenditure.

  • Annually review the outcomes of the Asset Register Stock Check and approve the disposal of obsolete item

  • Oversee use and monitor impact of all additional grant funding eg Pupil Premium.

  • Consider and promote income generation.

  • Annually review income generated from lettings, fees and charges, fund raising activities and the sale of assets.

  • Monitor Extended Care provision including review of annual income and expenditure statements where applicable.

  • Ensure the school has appropriate insurance cover in place.

  • Annually review and adopt the school’s Financial Procedures Manual and all other finance related policies.

  • Annually review and make decisions in respect of service level agreements and other contracts and lettings.

  • Make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committee

  • Ensure as far as is practical that health and safety issues are appropriately funded in accordance with agreed priorities

  • Annually review financial benchmarking data.

  • Monitor the implementation of actions arising from the Internal Audit report or of a financial nature from other inspection regime report

  • Ensure any instances of fraud or financial irregularity are reported immediately to the Head of Education and Skills and Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager.


  • Annually approve the Health and Safety Policy ensuring that the school meets health and safety requirements.

  • Ensure actions are taken in respect of relevant health and safety legislation.

  • Receive an annual Health and Safety Audit Report and monitor any arising actions.

  • Ensure that premises and the learning environment are maintained and are fit for purpose.

  • Provide support and guidance for the Headteacher and Governing Board on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds, including health and safety

  • Ensure that an annual inspection of the premises and grounds is undertaken and that priorities for maintenance and development are identified.

  • Ensure professional surveys and emergency works are arranged as necessary

  • Oversee the use of premises by outside users.

  • Annually review the schools Accessibility Plan and Asset Management/ Building Development Plan.

  • Receive and consider the recommendations from the annual Energy Report.

  • Ensure appropriate Risk Assessments are carried out and reviewed on a regular basis.

  • Ensure inspections of the school site, buildings and equipment take place annually and at appropriate intervals and that reports are shared.

  • Monitor data on accidents and incidents. 

Meetings: at least termly
Disqualifications: where there may be a conflict of a pecuniary interest

Delegation to the Headteacher

The School Standards and Framework Act 1998

The Governing Board can delegate to the Headteacher responsibility for deploying resources, subject to the provisions in the Scheme for the Financing of Schools in County Durham.



Any item of expenditure up to £5000.

Above this limit if item was previously notified to the Governing Board.

Prior Finance and Premises Committee or Chair of Governors approval (whichever is the soonest) to be sought outside of these limits and reported to the Finance and Premises Committee at the earliest opportunity. 


Any goods/services purchased and works to be carried out are subject to the latest Durham County Council Contract Procedures Rules as published on the School Portal. 

First/Pay Review and Pupil Discipline Committee

Chair: Mr Philip Chater
Terms of Reference: 

  • Annually agree the Teachers’ Pay Policy

  • Act in accordance with the Teachers’ Pay Policy and School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) when carrying out the annual review of teachers’ salary

  • Consider any requests made in accordance with Human Resources e.g. leave of absence etc. (unless delegated to the Headteacher).

  • Make any decisions under Human Resources procedures adopted by the Governing Board e.g. disciplinary, grievance, ill-health, capability et (Unless delegated to the Headteacher).

  • Lifting of Headteacher’s suspension (lifting of all other staff suspensions delegated to the Chair of Governors).

  • Deal with matters relating to staffing reductions, restructures and changes to the permanent school staffing structure

  • Consider representations from parents/carers in the case of suspensions in line with statutory guidance.

  • Consider the appropriateness of any permanent exclusion or any exclusion where one or more suspensions total more than 15 school days in one term or where a pupil is denied the changed to take a public examination in line with statutory guidance.

Meetings: at least annually
Quorum: 3
Disqualifications: Headteacher; Chair of Governors (if have prior knowledge); where there may be a conflict of interest; any governor whose spouse/partner is involved; staff (annual pay review or matters related to a staffing reduction process).

Appeals Committee

Chair: Dr Nikki Rutter

Terms of Reference

  • Consider any appeal against a decision made under the Human Resources policies adopted by the Governing Board.

  • Consider any appeal against a decision made by the First/Pay Review Committee during the annual review of teachers’ salaries.

  • Consider any appeal against selection for redundancy through a staffing reduction process.

Meetings: as and when required
Disqualifications: Headteacher; Chair of Governors (if have prior knowledge); any Governor involved in the original hearing; where there may be a conflict of interest; any governor whose spouse/partner is involved; staff (appeals in relation to salary or staffing reduction decisions).

Headteacher's Performance Review Committee

Lead Governor: Mr Ken Flynn and Mr P J Chater
Terms of Reference

  • Elect Chair

  • Set, with the support of the Local Authority Adviser, the Headteacher’s annual performance objective

  • Monitor throughout the year the performance of the Headteacher against agreed performance objectives and hold interim review meeting

  • Review, with the support of the Local Authority Adviser achievement of performance objectives.

  • Make recommendations to the Pay Review (First) Committee in respect of the Headteacher’s performance and annual pay progression (where eligible).

Meetings: Autumn Term plus monitoring meetings

Quorum: 2
Disqualifications: Headteacher and staff

Staffing Committee

Chair: Mrs Val Hindmarch

Terms of Reference:

  • Carry out an annual review of the staffing structure in consultation with the Headteacher and Finance and Premises Committee.

  • Ensure the school is sufficiently staffed to fulfil the effective operation of the school and the School Improvement Plan.

  • Oversee the recruitment and selection procedures for all staff.

  • Keep under review work/life balance, working conditions and well-being including monitoring attendance management.

  • Ensure that regular monitoring of the Single Central Record is undertaken and that it is up to date and compliant with current statutory expectation

  • Ensure that the school’s policy on safeguarding and child protection is compliant with the most recent Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance and Durham Childrens Safeguarding Partnership expectations. 

Meetings: At least annually
Disqualifications: where there may be a conflict of a pecuniary interest; any Governor whose spouse/partner is involved.

Delegation to the Headteacher
School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009

The Governing Board can delegate the power to appoint outside the leadership group to:              

  • The Headteacher.

  • One or more Governors with the right of the Headteacher to advise.

  • One or more Governors and the Headteacher.


Governing Board delegates to the Headteacher (with the involvement of one or more Governor) responsibility for the appointment of:

  • Permanent teaching staff posts

  • Permanent support staff posts

  • Temporary staff


Governing Board delegates to the Headteacher responsibility in line with the delegation in school Human Resources policies.


If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.

View Archived Attendance 


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