Walworth Primary School

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Bluebell Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7LP


01325 300 194

Walworth Primary School

'Listen, Learn and be Happy Together'


At Walworth we engage with community partners to enrich the opportunities of learner engagement.  Community partners provide relevant and supportive enrichment to the school’s wider curriculum.

Durham Constabulary have delivered a range of presentation around personal safety, internet safety and people who help us.   In Year 6 the children had opportunity to engage in celebrating diversity workshop which allowed them to think about their own lives and family backgrounds, but also the lives of others around them and how important it is that we accept everyone’s differences and celebrate them rather than live in a world filled with hate, rejection and fear.   We have regular visits from our community police liaison team and Durham Police and Crime Commissioner where we work alongside them to support community fundraising events.

Our partnership with Universities with the school of Education and Social Work department allow students the opportunity to gain valuable supervised vocational practice so that they gain the knowledge and skills needed to work with children and families in an education setting.  We value our work and recognition with Universities and this community engagement strengthens children’s awareness of lifelong learning and cultural diversity.

Wellbeing is the heart of our school community and the vision clearly identifies this.   We are proud to be holders of the Wellbeing Award for Schools and that Leaders are committed to embedding a clear strategy that promotes and protects emotional wellbeing and mental health within the whole school community. We believe the investment to EWMH is paramount and has the same values of safeguarding. Our vision was collectively designed by school stakeholders and recognises the importance of the school community.


Our Community Projects 

At Walworth School, our main intention is for our pupils to be fully prepared for the next stages in education and for future life by having:

  • An Awareness to be Successful Learners
  • To have the appropriate knowledge and skills to develop independence
  • A good understanding of becoming a responsible citizen



“Supporting everyone’s emotional wellbeing and mental health, so that they can be listened to, are happy together and ready to learn”.

The key message in relation to this vision for Mr Cooke is everyone’s EWMH therefore recognising all of our school community pupils, staff, families, external support staff and the wider community both local and national.  We actively drive fund raising events of other wellbeing organisations such as Mental Health Foundation and Mind.

We value inclusion and diversity of all groups and as a school community we recognise and proud of having a whole school approach to the LGBT+ community.   We are currently working towards reaccreditation of the Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for all schools and youth-centred organisations. The award focuses on positive LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility.  The Rainbow Flag Award encourages Walworth Community to approach to LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBT phobic bullying.  We are committing your school to improve the lives of all the young people that you work with, as well as the LGBT+ young people in your care, those from LGBT+ families, and LGBT+ staff members.


View our Community Gallery

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